Slurry Pumping
Mitten can assist with your stack emissions control application by designing packaged slurry pumping units. We have experience with a variety of pipe and component materials, including FRP, stainless steel, PVC and other alloys.
Ammonia Vaporization
Mitten produces ammonia vaporizer systems for SCR applications. These systems vaporize, heat and inject an air/ammonia mixture into the flue gas prior to exit out the stack. Mitten has recently provided vaporizer systems to the largest coal fired plant in the USA, with pipe diameters of 24 inches.
General Service, Demineralized Water, and Potable Water Booster Pumping
Mitten manufactures water systems for a variety of plant needs including reclaim, demineralized, raw water and plant eyewash booster stations. These systems are fully customizable and built to your specifications, and usually contain local motor controls and ASME coded tanks for supplying water as overall system pressure decreases.